Monday 11 April 2011

Tutorial Five: Videos!

YouTube is like a great big library of videos. Any video you want, you can pretty much find it on YouTube. YouTube is a medium for sharing and viewing videos. Every day people like you and me can upload videos on to it, of anything from an online tutorial to a blog to a home video. When someone types in one of your chosen key words, BANG! Up pops your video for all the world to see.  Of course, some videos are slightly more legal than others. No one really has a problem with you posting a video of you having a rant about Brittany Spears (other than the fact it’s ridiculously annoying) or a unicorn excursion to Candy Mountain (see previous parenthesis). However, if you did want to watch Harry Potter, I’m sure you could – but watch the guilty conscience that comes from stealing a movie (you WOULDN’T steal a car...)

YouTube can be used for aaaaaaall sorts of purposes. It can be very educational. If you don’t believe, see my second blog posting. Now tell me you don’t get what OT is! Ha! There are even more educational videos that teach you about anatomy, maths, chemistry....
Some people use YouTube as a way to keep in touch with family and friends – as a blogging medium in a way. I think this would be a much more energy efficient way... if you were prepared for every man and his dog to hear all the ins and outs of your life.
There are lots of online tutorials on YouTube. I quite like that random people, out of the goodness of their hearts, choose to share some of their knowledge with me. It was YouTube that taught me to play Need You Now by Lady Antebellum on the guitar one day when I was bored. It was YouTube that taught me how to change the direction my pois were swinging in one day too.
YouTube is great if you want to listen to a song you don’t have, or see the video clip. Avid fans of different TV shows often upload old episodes, so you never have to run behind on Home and Away.
Some people use YouTube to get famous (think Rebecca Black). Gosh.

I have been asked to share with you five videos linked to a topic of interest (of mine, obviously). I don’t really use YouTube an awful lot, but when I do it’s usually for music purposes. I do like music. I am going to show you how clever I am and embed a  video in this post – then I’m going to list the others as hyperlinks underneath. This is for space conservation (I’m all about trees), and to show off my multidimensional blogging skills.

The above video my brother introduced me to in the holidays.I love it a lot. Man, some people are clever!!
Check out the following links too...

I love this song - it's the most beautiful prayer.

They actually fit really well together!!

As if Phil Collins wasn't cool enough anyway...!

These guys have a song for every occasion. Love it!

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