Friday 8 April 2011

Tutorial seven: Links to other blogs

Check out how I managed to make links to a list of other people's blogs!! Thanks James!
To your right is a list of blogs that I tracked down, and quite enjoyed reading/didn't really read but thought looked interesting/useful.

I have to link to another class mates blog, so I thought I'd link to Pip's. Pip is really cool. I like her. Well, really I just like the fact that someone is fighting an even greater internal battle against blogging than I am. 

Loooooook at all those exciting links!! This an American OT, who even links to Merrolee and Linda Robertson's blogs. This means they must be very important. Gosh! It also has quite nice content. Skim through it.

This is an online community which links to lots of different blogs. All about OT! Next time I'm bored, I'm going to find some really exciting ones to link you directly to. This site is cool, as people post about whatever they feel compelled to, so there's heaps of content and useful information about all different aspects of OT. As student OTs and new grads, we're going to need the guidance of older, more experienced therapists. This online medium is a great way of accessing resources. I like it.

This blog has been put together by Mike, who's wife has a big CVA four years ago. It is such an insightful look into their journey through acute care, rehabilitation, faith, all the different medical disciplines, and OT! (Of course!!) It's really cool for us as OT students to get an inside look at what our clients go through, and how we can impact on their lives both positively and negatively.

This is the blog that I linked back to in Tutorial 2. Mark and Jo are from NZ and are working at a hospital in Nepal. How exciting!! Check out  this website to find out more about the hospital.

This OT is also working over seas. It's a bit outdated, but I get excited at the prospect of working overseas where we're reeeeeeaally needed. Bring it on!

Here goes another of our famous lecturers!

I like the title!! Go to his blog before you judge... it's not actually about being a pyromaniac. This guy is from NZ, and an OT honours student. His dissertation is about Web 2.0 and blogs. So that is VERY relevant to us. Read it.

This is another really good blog for learning from more experienced OTs. It's really cool reading about the dilemmas and breakthroughs that real-life OTs have, so we can learn from them and be challenged by them.

OT Student Blog
This is one of the Advance OT blogs. It's so cool to read about another OT students experience of her study's. Even though she is studying in the US, it's so reassuring to see that some of the questions, excitements, stresses and wonders I have are not something I'm alone in. And it's also just really excited to read about other people who are so passionate about their field.

Thanks bye!

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