Monday 10 October 2011

What a girl needs...

Friday 7 October

This week I have been asked to explore why dancing is important tin my life RIGHT NOW! I think I'm going to struggle with this post, as I feel like I've pretty much covered this in my previous posts. So to save reinventing the wheel I'm going to create a nice bulleted list, and expand on anything later if necessary.
  • Relationships - I've made so many new friends over the last semester who I'll definitely be keeping up with
  • It's also strengthened my relationships with friend 1, friend 2 and flatmate.
  • Maybe I'm starting to get a wee bit fitter, a wee bit more co-ordinated, and a wee bit of flexibility back?
  • Dancing is the best way of channeling excitement and 'joy'
  • It's good for my mental health

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