Friday 4 March 2011

I did it!!

Hi friends!!

So, Blogger and I have had out first stern words. As it turns out, I can't write more than 500 characters (including spaces) in my blog description. As it also turns out, I can't have line spaces in my description. This is very awkward, and makes me cross.

On a more positive note, my blog is now set up and I quite like it. Maybe I'll get out of this relatively unscathed!! I'm also strangely excited about the whole thing...!

Coming soon: a slightly more useful description of why I'm actually here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alice. This is the start of a well constructed blog. Postings engaging. Blog postings are well constructed there is evidence of application of knowledge and questions have been answered. Your own points of view are apparent as is the context of your postings (course learning tasks and discussions).You should be looking to use more blogging tools to expand information links e.g. video content, RSS feeds, photos etc.

    Referencing is present and correct. Keep at it!
